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Disclaimer: Although the RCACs regularly review materials to ensure they are current, resources shared from other sources may change links or be updated without notice. If you encounter any issues with broken links or outdated material, please reach out at regionalcacs@gmail.com to help us maintain a useful and accurate resource library.


Access to Medical Evaluations in Cases of Child Physical Abuse

This tool can be utilized by individual CACs and Chapters to help in shaping medical programming to address child physical abuse.

Access to Medical Evaluations in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse

This tool helps CACs and State Chapter organizations identify gaps in medical care for child sexual abuse victims and provides steps to enhance this care along the continuum.

Beyond Case Review: The Value of the Role of Team Facilitator in the Multidisciplinary Team/Children’s Advocacy Model

The document, created by the RCACs in 2022, is to clarify and elevate the role of team facilitator and explain its value to the efficacy of the MDT.

Board Bundle for CACs and Chapters

This collection, created by SRCAC, is a comprehensive guide for CACs and Chapters to strengthen board governance and leadership.

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Building a Better Case Review Together Guidelines

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2023, is intended to help CACs and MDTs evaluate, expand, and enhance their case review process.

Building a Better Case Review Together Video

This training video, created by NRCAC in 2020, highlights the importance of case review, provides an example of what case review can look like, and discusses the value of representatives from each discipline attending.

Building and Sustaining Your Children’s Advocacy Center’s Medical Program

This toolkit aids CACs in establishing and maintaining medical programs for child abuse victims, aligning with National Children’s Alliance standards and enhancing the multidisciplinary team’s role, while guiding the assessment and improvement of medical services.

Building Trauma-Informed Children’s Advocacy Centers: Resource Guide

This guide by WRCAC provides a comprehensive directory of resources to help Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) develop trauma-informed responses.

CAC Director Resource: Orienting Your Medical Provider to the CAC and Multidisciplinary Team

This document helps the CAC Director orient medical providers conducting evaluations for children, whether on-site, off-site, as employees, or through agreements or contracts.

CAC Leadership: Lessons Learned During COVID-19

This issue brief, created by NRCAC in 2022, examines the lessons learned from leaders of the CAC movement in tandem with current research on crisis leadership, with the intention of providing insight for leading through adversity, no matter what the crisis.

Centering Equity in the Multidisciplinary Response to Child Maltreatment: A Framework for CAC Case Review

This tool helps CAC leaders, MDT facilitators, and MDT representatives center equity and inclusion in case review meetings, ensuring equitable access to culturally relevant services while addressing previously ignored or harmful discussions.

Child Victims with Disabilities ASD: Overview and Strategies

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2021, provides an overview and strategies for working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Child Victims with Disabilities Non-Verbal: Overview and Statistics

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2021, provides an overview and strategies for interviewing children who are non-verbal.

Child Victims with Disabilities: Overview and Statistics

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, provides an overview and statistics on child victims with disabilities.

Child Victims with Disabilities: Resource Guide

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, provides resources for child victims with disabilities.

Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior: Recommendations for the Multidisciplinary Team and Children’s Advocacy Center Response

This guide, created by SRCAC, is for MDTs and CACs addressing children with problematic sexual behavior.

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Competency Review Spreadsheet

This resource, created by SRCAC, is a practical tool for CACs to assess and track team competencies.

Considerations for the MDT and CAC Approach to Recantation

This research paper, created by SRCAC in 2017, outlines research from the past decade related to children’s disclosure of abuse, caregiver support, and recantation.

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Culturally Sensitive Medical Evaluations for American Indian/Alaska Native Children Experiencing Maltreatment

This document emphasizes the need for culturally sensitive medical evaluations for Indigenous survivors of child sexual abuse, addressing proper terminology, Tribal MOUs, healthcare disparities, and creating a safe environment for effective care.

Ensuring Well Being of Children: A Comprehensive Approach to Trauma-Informed Care for CACs

This guide, created by NCA and NRCAC in 2018, offers support for CACs to help identify children in need of treatment and make referrals to evidence-based treatments that are proven to reduce trauma symptoms.

Equity and Inclusion for CAC Medical Providers: The Impact of Disparities

The fact sheet summarizes key research on health disparities, their influencing factors, and specific affected populations, while also addressing five domains of social determinants impacting health outcomes and quality of life.

Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments for Child Abuse Victims

This guide, created by NCA and NRCAC in 2018, provides an overview of evidence-based mental health treatments for child abuse victims for brokers and multidisciplinary teams.

Executive Evaluation

This guide, created by SRCAC, is for CACs and Chapters to implement effective executive evaluation processes.

Expanding In-Person Mental Health Services Within a Children’s Advocacy Center as the Pandemic Recedes

This issue brief, created by WRCAC in 2021, carefully examines how to navigate the myriad of issues affecting decision-making regarding the return to more in-person treatment and recommends items for CACs to consider when providing in-person mental health care as part of their service continuum.

Facility Dogs at Children’s Advocacy Centers and in Legal Settings: Best Practices

This manual, created by WRCAC and Court House Dogs Foundation in 2017, provides the framework for implementing a facility dog program.

Field Guide for MDT Facilitators

Developed by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi, West Virginia Child Advocacy Network, and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas, with input from the field, this guide helps define the purpose of the team facilitator role, providing essential skills, tools and mindsets needed for onboarding.

Field Guide for MDT Facilitators

This guide, created by Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi and SRCAC in 2023, is for professionals facilitating multidisciplinary teams.

Field Guide to Family Advocacy

Developed by the West Virginia and Mississippi State CAC Chapters in 2017 with input from the field, and SRCAC, this guide was initially designed for newly hired family advocates to help orient them to their new roles within CACs, but this an invaluable guide for all members of an MDT.

First Responder Disability Awareness Full Resource Guide

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2021, provides resources for first responders and being prepared to encounter individuals with a disability.

Glossary of Terms

The Glossary of Terms, created by NRCAC, provides a guide for consistent terminology when working with vulnerable populations.

Grant Administration Initiative Chapter Readiness Guide

This guide, created by SRCAC, is a companion resource for State Chapters preparing to implement or enhance their grant administration processes.

Guidelines for Chapters Administering a Statewide Needs Assessment

This guide, created by the RCACs in 2024, helps Chapters develop and use statewide needs assessments to inform planning, resource allocation, and decision-making, ensuring they stay responsive to stakeholder needs and future goals.

Guidelines for Working with Interpreters

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, is meant to serve as a resource for CACs on using interpreters in forensic interviews, training for interpreters, tips for interpreting, confidentiality forms, and resources.

Helping Your Child Heal from Abuse

This guide, created by NCA and NRCAC in 2018, offers support for parents and caregivers dealing with child abuse, emphasizing the pivotal role they play in their child’s healing process and explaining how a CAC and MDT can provide assistance in keeping the child safe and facilitating their recovery.

Human Resources Toolkit for Nonprofit Children Advocacy Centers

This toolkit, created by SRCAC, is designed for nonprofit CACs to enhance human resources practices.

Implications of Social Media Use and Exposure to Pornography and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM): The Role of the Medical Provider

This tool equips medical providers to educate families on the dangers of social media and online risks to youth, addressing the increased exposure of children to inappropriate material through digital connectivity.

Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2022, provides an overview and resources on the intersection of intimate partner violence (IPV) and child abuse.

Listen and Learn: A Process for Initiating Collaboration Between Tribal Communities and Children’s Advocacy Centers

For CACs who are interested in building relationships with tribal communities in their areas, this guide, created by SRCAC in 2019, will help you gain a better understanding of the “Listen and Learn” concept, how to initiate contact with tribal leaders with the help of your state Chapter, your Regional CAC, and NACA (Native American Children’s Alliance); and how to plan and conduct a successful Listen and Learn.

MDT Facilitator Training Guide

This training guide, updated by the RCACs in 2023, lists opportunities to help multidisciplinary team (MDT) coordinators/facilitators access training to help meet the 8.0 hours of instruction required in the revised 2023 National Children’s Alliance Standards for Accreditation.

MDT Orientation Manual

This manual, updated by NRCAC in 2024, provides training information and resources to CACs to assist with onboarding new multidisciplinary team members.

Medical Linkage Agreement

This sample linkage agreement created by the RCACs in 2022 is meant to serve as a resource for CACs when providing Medical Health Referral, Assessment and Treatment. Please note this is intended as a SAMPLE and should be carefully reviewed by the CAC Board of Directors or other governing entity so that it accurately reflects YOUR partnership with community agencies.

Medical Provider Guidelines: What is the Role of the Medical Provider for Children Under 12 with Problematic Sexual Behaviors (YPSB)?

This document helps CACs and State Chapter organizations identify gaps in medical care for child sexual abuse victims and offers steps to enhance this care.

Medical Toolkit: Building and Sustaining Your Children’s Advocacy Center’s Medical Program

This toolkit, created by MRCAC in 2024, is designed to help you establish and maintain your medical program to serve victims of child abuse.

Mental Health Linkage Agreement

This sample linkage agreement created by the RCACs in 2022 is meant to serve as a resource for CACs when providing Mental Health Referral, Assessment and Treatment. Please note this is intended as a SAMPLE and should be carefully reviewed by the CAC Board of Directors or other governing entity so that it accurately reflects YOUR partnership with community agencies.

Minimal Facts Guidelines

This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, assists first responders in obtaining minimal facts during initial responses to abuse allegations, with the aim of reducing trauma to child victims and avoiding redundant interviews.

Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Initiative Readiness Guide for State Chapters

This guide, created by SRCAC, is a resource to support State Chapters in assessing their readiness for multidisciplinary team enhancement initiatives.

NCA and RCACs Support for Chapters

This document, created in 2022, highlights the areas in which the RCACs and NCA partner or coordinate to provide excellent service to Chapters and identifies the areas where we specialize or work independently.

NRCAC Self Care Chart

This chart, created by NRCAC in 2020, offers a variety of self-care ideas including physical, psychological, emotional, professional, and personal, while also providing space for you to write your own ideas.

Providing Training to CACs Readiness Guide for State Chapters

This guide, created by SRCAC in 2022, is designed for those Chapter organizations who may be considering developing and delivering training curriculums to their CACs.

Psychological First Aid Guide for Children’s Advocacy Center Supervisors

This manual, created by SRCAC in 2016, will empower organizations to proactively prepare for and effectively manage critical incidents, safeguarding their credibility and integrity in the face of unexpected challenges.

RCAC Acronym & Terminology List

This list, created by the RCACs, helps professionals and stakeholders quickly understand and navigate some of the key elements of the field.

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Resources for Meeting the Victim Support and Advocacy Standard

This guide, created by the RCACs in 2023, is intended to help CACs meet the Victim Support and Advocacy Standard for Accreditation for NCA.

Role of the Victim Advocate

This training video, created by NRCAC and WRCAC in 2020, highlights the importance of victim advocates, what victim advocates do for children and families, and the role of the victim advocate on the MDT.

Statewide Case Management System: Readiness Guide for State Chapters

This guide, created by SRCAC in 2022, is designed for those Chapter organizations who may be deciding whether to implement a statewide case management system.

STS Blueprint: A Guide to Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress at Children’s Advocacy Centers

This site, created by SRCAC in 2024, is for CACs to learn how to address secondary traumatic stress (STS) in their organizations.

Supervisor Manual for the Field Guide to Family Advocacy

This manual, created by SRCAC, CACM, and WVCAN in 2020, is a companion guide to the Field Guide to Family Advocacy and is geared toward professionals who supervise family advocates; it covers the basics of supervision, offers supplementary information to the Field Guide, provides additional resources that will help you onboard your CAC’s family advocates.

Task Sharing in a Children’s Advocacy Center: The Role of Victim Advocates in Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Children & Families

This issue brief, created by WRCAC in 2021, examines task sharing in the CAC context and promotes the active collaboration between the CAC victim advocate and the child’s therapist as a task sharing team, especially in rural areas where the therapist may provide services remotely through tele-mental health.

Tele-Mental Health Webinars

Learn about tele-mental health options for delivering trauma-informed, evidence-based mental health services. This five-part webinar series is presented in 2019 by the WRCAC Rural Mental Health project in partnership with MRCAC and the NCAC.

Telemental Health Network Readiness and Planning Guide for Chapters

This guide by WRCAC provides a framework for establishing statewide telemental health networks for Children’s Advocacy Centers.

The Chapter Guide: Facilitating Peer Learning Cohorts for CACs

This guide, created by the RCACs in 2023, is designed to help Chapters create and facilitate successful Peer Learning Cohorts for CACs and MDT partners. 

The Emergency Preparedness and Response Guide for CACs: Planning for the Unexpected

This guide, created by SRCAC, provides CACs with essential tools and strategies for emergency preparedness and response.

The Medical Exam in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: What MDT Partners Need to Know

This training video, created by NRCAC in 2020, highlights the importance of medical exams, the importance of specialized professionals, and why “normal is normal” when it comes to results.

The Outcomes Framework

This resource, developed by SRCAC, serves as a foundational guide for CACs and Chapters to measure and evaluate program effectiveness.

The Value of the Investigative Team Video

This training video, created by NRCAC in 2022, highlights the importance of law enforcement, child protective services, and prosecution in the multidisciplinary team, and the value of the collaborative investigative process.

Trauma-Informed Care and Practice in a CAC Setting

The Western Regional Children’s Advocacy Center (WRCAC) offers webinars aimed at enhancing the skills of professionals working in Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs).

Updated Guidelines for the Medical Assessment and Care of Children Who May Have Been Sexually Abused

This manuscript highlights the significance of medical evaluations in the clinical and legal processes of suspected child sexual abuse, emphasizing the need for practitioners to stay informed on current evaluation protocols and interpretation of medical findings.

Victim Advocacy Linkage Agreement

This sample linkage agreement, created by the RCACs in 2022, is meant to serve as a resource for CACs when providing victim advocacy services. Please note this is intended as a SAMPLE and should be carefully reviewed by the CAC Board of Directors or other governing entity so that it accurately reflects YOUR partnership with community agencies.

Victim Advocate Case Flow Chart

This infographic, created by NRCAC in 2020, is designed as a reference for CACs collaborating with three advocates throughout the life of a case and can be modified to make it consistent with your services.

Working with Children with Disabilities in Child Abuse Cases Video

This training video, created by NRCAC in 2022, spotlights the dynamics of working with children with disabilities in child abuse cases from the perspectives of forensic interviewers, first responders, and prosecutors.

WRCAC Telemental Health Resource Center

This website hub, created by WRCAC in 2019 and updated in 2024, serves to educate and inform the CAC community about Telemental Health as an option, as it is still not widely employed among CACs. The updated TMHRC reflects a focus on supporting Chapters, CAC Directors, Mental Health and Advocacy staff in implementing TMH services.


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