Field Guide for MDT Facilitators
This guide, created by Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi and SRCAC in 2023, is for professionals facilitating multidisciplinary teams.
Regional Childrens Advocacy Centers
Training and Technical Assistance Centers
This guide, created by Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi and SRCAC in 2023, is for professionals facilitating multidisciplinary teams.
This guide, created by SRCAC, is for MDTs and CACs addressing children with problematic sexual behavior.
Developed by the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi, West Virginia Child Advocacy Network, and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas, with input from the field, this guide helps define the purpose of the team facilitator role, providing essential skills, tools and mindsets needed for onboarding.
This list, created by the RCACs, helps professionals and stakeholders quickly understand and navigate some of the key elements of the field.
This training video, created by NRCAC in 2020, highlights the importance of case review, provides an example of what case review can look like, and discusses the value of representatives from each discipline attending.
This guide, created by NRCAC in 2023, is intended to help CACs and MDTs evaluate, expand, and enhance their case review process.
This manual, updated by NRCAC in 2024, provides training information and resources to CACs to assist with onboarding new multidisciplinary team members.
This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, assists first responders in obtaining minimal facts during initial responses to abuse allegations, with the aim of reducing trauma to child victims and avoiding redundant interviews.
This training video, created by NRCAC in 2022, highlights the importance of law enforcement, child protective services, and prosecution in the multidisciplinary team, and the value of the collaborative investigative process.
This research paper, created by SRCAC in 2017, outlines research from the past decade related to children’s disclosure of abuse, caregiver support, and recantation.