Considerations for the MDT and CAC Approach to Recantation

This research paper, created by SRCAC in 2017, outlines research from the past decade related to children’s disclosure of abuse, caregiver support, and recantation. Recantation is a known and well-documented phenomenon in child sexual abuse cases. This paper outlines research from the past decade related to children’s disclosure of abuse, caregiver support, and recantation. The research identifies risk factors for recantation and the need for increased support and education to caregivers.

In addition to an overview of the research findings, this paper includes the following as a guide for MDTs and CACs with an interest in revising their current practices:

  • Implications for Practice
  • Sample MDT/CAC Protocol Guidelines for Recantation

With advancements in the CAC model, improving advocacy and trauma-focused mental health services, and an understanding of this research as it relates to practice, MDTs can implement steps in their response to reduce the risk of recantation and address the issue as a team when it does occur.

Publication Year: 2017

Considerations for the MDT and CAC Approach to Recantation
File Type: www
Categories: Forensic Interviewing, Multidisciplinary Team
Tags: CACs, Infographic, MDT
Author: Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center
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