Victim Advocate Case Flow Chart

The infographic from the Northeast Regional Children’s Advocacy Center (NRCAC) provides a comprehensive Victim Advocacy Flowchart that outlines the roles and responsibilities of various advocates during the stages of a child abuse case. It details the steps taken by the CAC Advocate, Community Advocate, and Prosecutor Advocate before, during, and after the interview process, including greeting families, obtaining consent, participating in meetings, assessing needs, providing referrals, and following up on the case’s progress. This flowchart serves as a sample guide for Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) to ensure seamless advocacy services throughout the case lifecycle, and it can be customized to fit the services available in different regions

Publication Year: 2020

Victim Advocate Case Flow Chart
File Type: pdf
Categories: Victim Advocacy
Tags: Advocacy, Infographic
Author: Northeast Regional Children's Advocacy Center
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