Regional Children's Advocacy Centers

NCA and RCACs Support for Chapters

This document, created in 2022, highlights the areas in which the RCACs and NCA partner or coordinate to provide excellent service to Chapters and identifies the areas where we specialize or work independently.

Medical Linkage Agreement

This sample linkage agreement created by the RCACs in 2022 is meant to serve as a resource for CACs when providing Medical Health Referral, Assessment and Treatment. Please note this is intended as a SAMPLE and should be carefully reviewed by the CAC Board of Directors or other governing entity so that it accurately reflects YOUR partnership with community agencies.

Mental Health Linkage Agreement

This sample linkage agreement created by the RCACs in 2022 is meant to serve as a resource for CACs when providing Mental Health Referral, Assessment and Treatment. Please note this is intended as a SAMPLE and should be carefully reviewed by the CAC Board of Directors or other governing entity so that it accurately reflects YOUR partnership with community agencies.

MDT Facilitator Training Guide

This training guide, updated by the RCACs in 2023, lists opportunities to help multidisciplinary team (MDT) coordinators/facilitators access training to help meet the 8.0 hours of instruction required in the revised 2023 National Children’s Alliance Standards for Accreditation.

Victim Advocacy Linkage Agreement

This sample linkage agreement, created by the RCACs in 2022, is meant to serve as a resource for CACs when providing victim advocacy services. Please note this is intended as a SAMPLE and should be carefully reviewed by the CAC Board of Directors or other governing entity so that it accurately reflects YOUR partnership with community agencies.

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