National Chapter Executive Coaching Program

The four Regional Children’s Advocacy Centers (RCACs) have come together to offer a National Chapter Executive Coaching Program grounded in the belief that State Chapter leaders do their best work when they are clear on their purpose, connected to their inner wisdom, and challenged to seek multiple perspectives on the many obstacles and opportunities inherent in their work. The purpose of this program is to facilitate purposeful learning, increased self-efficacy, and transformational growth for State Chapter leaders to support their movement-building efforts and increased resiliency in their role.

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What is Coaching?

As a State Chapter leader, you serve a unique role in convening, leading, and setting the tone for the coordinated response to child abuse in your state. This includes navigating important interpersonal and inter-agency relationships by modeling inclusive, intentional cultures. Your role requires you to find balance between the demands of growing and sustaining your State Chapter, while also supporting and fostering growth and development throughout your membership. It is a leadership role that can be challenging and isolating, and it has the potential for burnout if not supported with care.   

The National Chapter Executive Coaching Program utilizes an executive coaching model: a partnership designed to help a leader increase self-awareness, gain clarity of purpose, and develop strategies that will be helpful in actualizing their vision without sacrificing their own wellbeing.   

What Coaching Is What Coaching Is Not
  • Coaching is sourcing the answers from you.
  • Coaching is partnering and honoring your process, values, and beliefs.
  • Coaching is accepting what is in the moment and inventing a future from that place.
  • Coaching is trusting the expertise that lies within you.
  • Coaching is not giving advice.
  • Coaching is not leading, directing, or manipulating.
  • Coaching is not therapy, healing, or fixing the past.
  • Coaching is not consulting or training that is expert-driven.
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