Glossary of Terms
The Glossary of Terms, created by NRCAC, provides a guide for consistent terminology when working with vulnerable populations.
Regional Childrens Advocacy Centers
Training and Technical Assistance Centers
The Glossary of Terms, created by NRCAC, provides a guide for consistent terminology when working with vulnerable populations.
This guide, created by NCA and NRCAC in 2018, provides an overview of evidence-based mental health treatments for child abuse victims for brokers and multidisciplinary teams.
This training video, created by NRCAC in 2020, highlights the importance of case review, provides an example of what case review can look like, and discusses the value of representatives from each discipline attending.
This training video, created by NRCAC and WRCAC in 2020, highlights the importance of victim advocates, what victim advocates do for children and families, and the role of the victim advocate on the MDT.
This chart, created by NRCAC in 2020, offers a variety of self-care ideas including physical, psychological, emotional, professional, and personal, while also providing space for you to write your own ideas.
This training video, created by NRCAC in 2022, spotlights the dynamics of working with children with disabilities in child abuse cases from the perspectives of forensic interviewers, first responders, and prosecutors.
This guide, created by NRCAC in 2021, provides resources for first responders and being prepared to encounter individuals with a disability.
This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, provides resources for child victims with disabilities.
This guide, created by NRCAC in 2020, provides an overview and statistics on child victims with disabilities.
This guide, created by NRCAC in 2021, provides an overview and strategies for interviewing children who are non-verbal.